Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

North Bend, Oregon


Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Waterfront Engineering

Piers & Wharves, Ports & Waterfront, Transportation/Transit

Ocean Terminals Co.

Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

The Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall Project involved designing a bulkhead standing 59 feet tall and covering a 500’x100’ area. The bulkhead retains more than 50,000 cubic yards of fill expanding Ocean Terminal’s site into Coos Bay. The wall itself is a custom designed king pile system made of Cold Form JZ Sheets and HP piles welded together. The site is very active loading and unloading ships with logs. A 1970’s era timber dock stood inside where the new wall was placed and removed once Ocean Terminals was ready between ship loading to place fill material inside the bulkhead.