Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

North Bend, Oregon

  • Services Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Waterfront Engineering
  • Market(s) Piers & Wharves, Ports & Waterfront, Transportation/Transit
Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

The Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall Project involved designing a bulkhead standing 59 feet tall and covering a 500’x100’ area. The bulkhead retains more than 50,000 cubic yards of fill expanding Ocean Terminal’s site into Coos Bay. The wall itself is a custom designed king pile system made of Cold Form JZ Sheets and HP piles welded together. The site is very active loading and unloading ships with logs. A 1970’s era timber dock stood inside where the new wall was placed and removed once Ocean Terminals was ready between ship loading to place fill material inside the bulkhead.

Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

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Ocean Terminals Bulkhead Wall

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