Everett, Washington
Civil Engineering
Civic, Ports & Waterfront
Port of Everett
KPFF is performing engineering services for this facility-specific On-Call Contract to lead the Port’s Marine Industrial Expansion Program to plan and redevelop over 30-acres of the former Kimberly-Clark MTCA mill site into an upland marine terminal cargo storage yard. Project includes preload over significant wood waste deposits and significant new terminal utilities including over a mile of water main, ½ mile of heavy-duty trench drain, storm water treatment, sewer, lighting, and electrical/communications. Project construction includes work in two separate state MTCA clean-up sites and the terminal pavement serves a dual role as a pavement cap as part of the 3rd Interim Action for the K-C site. Terminal site construction started fall of 2021.
Besides the main site redevelopment, this On-Call Contract has also included assessment of the former Kimberly-Clark marine structures including an old timber wharf and barge dock infrastructure (including steel walkway, concrete float and fendering structures). This included an extensive analysis to determine what the dock and existing float structures would need to be refurbished. The floating dock was used for bulk handling, conveyor, and RORO operations, KPFF’s analysis determined the upgrades needed and associated costs for each operation.
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