KPFF is providing civil and structural engineering for the first and second phases of the ambitious $1B initiative to fast-track scientific discoveries into innovations that improve the quality of life for people in Oregon, the nation and the world. The initial phase of the project built a research science building, pedestrian bridges, begins the enhancement of the millrace, and construction of the 200-ft skybridge across a major arterial and a parking garage.
As part of this project, KPFF is working on the restoration of the protected water way (millrace) from Riverfront Parkway Bridge to the Onyx Street Bridge. This is a large effort requiring remediation, environmental permitting and habitat restoration. KPFF worked to make the millrace a more natural channel through the area of development, removing steep rip-rap banks and creating flatter slopes stabilized by vegetation, boulders, and downed logs. KPFF studied the channel and existing structures to provide more resilient stabilization and armoring in areas that would be subject to more scour. KPFF provided civil engineering analysis, reports and documentation for State and Federal permitting, as well as City of Eugene Goal 5 and Willamette Greenway land use permitting.