Shasta County Courthouse

Redding, California


Civil Engineering

Civic, Government

LEED Silver

Judicial Council of California


Sundt Construction

Integral Group
Pamela Burton & Company




gross square feet


Shasta County Courthouse

The new courthouse provides basic services not previously offered to county residents due to the limited space in the current court facilities. It features appropriately sized courtrooms, jury deliberation rooms, an adequately sized self-help center, a children’s waiting room, attorney/client conference rooms, and ADA accessibility. Enhanced security measures include entrance screening of all court users, a secure sallyport, adequately sized in-custody holding and improved fire and life safety. The new courthouse increases efficiency by consolidating all court operations under one roof in a modern, secure building that will better serve Shasta County residents.

The site work included pedestrian access improvements from Court Street along a walkway promenade to the main entry and a tree bosque plaza, utility services to the new building, and public right of way improvements to the curb line on all four sides of the site. In preparation for the full block development, public sewer and overhead utilities were relocated out of an existing alley and around the project site on the frontage streets.