Portland, Oregon
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering
Healthcare, Laboratories, Office, Parking, Roadway
ACEC Oregon, Engineering Excellence Grand Award: Structural Systems (2009)
Daily Journal of Commerce Oregon, Top Project #1, Private Buildings - More than $50 million (2009)
KPFF was structural and civil engineer for improvements to this $153 million medical campus. Providence Portland Medical Center was the first medical campus with a City of Portland covenant to chart a course to achieve the goals of the “Stormwater Management Manual” through compliance with site development goals. In three locations on campus, 100% of stormwater is infiltrated onsite via subsurface infiltration basins. This satisfies stormwater management for a 100-year storm event for the Cancer Center, Child Center and associated parking garages.
Also featured in the January 2007 issue of Modern Steel Magazine
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