Fast 5 Xpress Car Wash

Various Cities, California


Photo credit: Fast 5 Xpress Car Wash

Photo credit: Fast 5 Xpress Car Wash

Civil Engineering

Industrial, Parking, Retail

Fast 5 Xpress Car Wash

Fast 5 Xpress Car Wash

KPFF has been the civil engineer of record for the majority of the Fast 5 Xpress car wash facilities since 2014. We have since continued to provide a variety of services for these facilities including due diligence & site feasibility studies, ADA assessments, site planning, precise grading & drainage, utility design, stormwater quality (WQMP) design from entitlement documents to construction documents. We’ve completed over 10 successfully constructed and open car washes with many more that are in different phases of design and construction.

Site locations have varied from Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, where KPFF has worked closely with City and County jurisdictions processing as-built records, coordinating submittal requirements, and addressing plan check comments. We understand the importance of providing a welcome, safe and aesthetically pleasing design that incorporates the design elements and the Client’s vision into the overall site plan with respect to grading, drainage, utilities, and vehicular & pedestrian circulation. We have enjoyed working closely with the Client and design team to make the project vision a reality.

Additional Services Provided:

  • Site Development
  • Utility Infrastructure
  • Low Impact Development
  • Stormwater Management
  • Parking Design
  • Site Entitlement