Listen, Unite, and Act

Our core purpose is to engineer opportunities.

Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are critically important to ensure opportunities are available to everyone.

KPFF is unified under one JEDI philosophy: Listen, Unite, and Act. Each office works at a local level, in concert with the change we can create as a whole. We and our industry partners have a long way to go, and encourage actionable and authentic change.

We want our employees, clients, owners and partners to know we are a safe place. KPFF honors diversity, inclusion and belonging for everyone.

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Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
We listen to the voices in KPFF, understand what we are passionate about, and what is important to us.
We unite with our teams towards the actions that we choose to take.
Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
We act by following through on what has been decided.

Taking Action Company-Wide

Company-wide, we share what we are hearing from our teams. We are transparent with the plans that we have made for action, and develop based on successes, challenges, and lessons learned from those efforts. By distributing ideas, speaking openly about what is and isn’t working, and constantly learning from one another, we can create a force multiplier on our shared commitment.

Our JEDI philosophy includes looking at these issues through the lens of our core values.

  • Trust: Create psychological safety through transparency and openness.
  • Relationships: Establish an inclusive culture where all people are comfortable and can thrive.
  • Excellence: Champion practices, policies, and processes related to JEDI that are at the forefront of our industry.
  • Stability: Maintain and sustain the commitments to act.
  • Passion: Listen and unite to align to our collective passion.

Advancement of Disadvantaged, Women/Minority Owned and Small Businesses

The need to increase DBE, MWBE and SMB contracting in the AEC industry is incredibly important and KPFF welcomes opportunities to partner with these firms. We emphasize communication and skill sharing to develop expertise and capacity. KPFF shares resources like administrative staff and software, beneficial to a large design and construction project, which smaller firms might not have access to. We make a concerted effort to partner with and promote Small Businesses in AEC and are always looking to meet new firms.

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Don Oates quote marks

At Special Projects, leadership is present in the conversations – it’s not genuine unless there is advocacy from the top. Here, our employees enjoy talking about [JEDI] and actively want to engage to make the office a better place. For some of them, it’s ignited who they want to be in their professional setting – they are engaged, building skills, and maturing as professionals through this lens.

Don Oates
Don Oates
Principal - Special Projects
Leena Kibriya quote marks

I’ve personally experienced how being involved in our JEDI committee has translated to my career. When my ideas are supported and encouraged in our committee, it makes me more comfortable bringing my perspective into other projects. Also, it creates higher levels of trust – particularly with the management here. They are active, attend meetings, and show that it matters to them to make a difference in the company.

Leena Kibriya
Leena Kibriya
Design Engineer - San Francisco
Kane Pithey quote marks

I became an engineer to make an impact and with JEDI we have an opportunity to make an impact beyond KPFF - how we affect the experience of our employees has a ripple effect on how they exist in their lives beyond here. Also, the world is constantly evolving; for us to stay relevant or competitive we need to draw from a diverse set of experiences, ideas, and solutions. We must approach the industry from the most unique set of viewpoints.

Kane Pithey
Kane Pithey
Principal and Team Leader - Los Angeles Structural
Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion

Recognizing the Need for Change

We know our current efforts are not enough and recognize diversity, equity and inclusion is an industry-wide challenge. We are experimenting with strategies and programs to drive positive change. These include: